just thought I would put up a little survey so you can get to know me a little better.
Tell All Survey!!!!!~About Me~~Name~: Kathleen Ann
~Nicknames~: Kathy, Katiboo, Katie*only a select few are allowed to do that*, ktyme(my gangsta name)
~Birthdate~: July 31
~Place of Birth~: Mercy Medical Center
~Ethnicity~: white(french and german)
~Religon~: Jesus freak
~Smoker~: nope
~Drinker~: no
~Physical Apperance~~Hair Color~: dirty blonde
~Dyed~: no
~Bangs~: kinda...
~Eye Color~: blue
~Glasses~: yes
~Contacts~: no
~Height~: 5'7''ish
~Weight~: not saying
~Ring Size~: idk
~Shoe Size~: 10
~Tattoos~: not yet
~Piercings~: ears
~This Or That~~Winter or Summer~: summer
~Coffee or Cappuccino~: frappaccino
~Pepsi or Coke~: pepsi
~Burger King or McDonalds~: mcdonalds
~Chocolate or Vanilla~: vanilla
~Stars or Hearts~: both
~Kisses or Hugs~: both
~Flowers or Chocolate~: both
~Cellphone or Ipod: both
~Lb or Oc~: Laguna Beach(I hate the OC)
~Pencil or Pen~: both
~Day or Night~: both
~Dog or Cat~~Favorites~~Day of the Week~: Fri
~Season~: summer
~Holiday~: christmas
~Drink~: water
~Alcholic Drink~: none
~Food~: speghetti
~Resturant~: Red Robin
~Movie~: A Walk to Remember and Your's, Mine, & Ours(only for Hawkie really)
~Book~: idk
~Song~: depends on the band
~Actor~: Shane West, Adam Sandler
~Actress~: don't care
~Magazine~: CCM
~Store~: Walmart
~Color~: blue, black, pink
~Animal~: penguin
~Gemstone~: ruby or diamond
~Quote~: i have quite a few
~Sport~: football
~ School Subject~: english
~Least Favorites~~Day Of The Week~: idk
~Season~: winter
~Holiday~: idk
~Drink~: none
~Alcholic Drink~: all
~Food~: idk
~Resturant~: don't
~Movie~: feel
~Book~: like
~Song~: any katy perry or t-pain song
~Actor~: filling
~Actress~: out this
~Magazine~: part
~Store~: ----
~Color~: ----
~Animal~: ---
~Gemstone~: ----
~Quote~: ----
~Sport~: -----
~School Subject~: -----
~Have You Ever~~Kissed A Complete Stranger~: no
~Punched Someone~: yes
~Been Punched~: yes
~Skinny Dipped~: no
~Been Out of the Country~: yes
~Been In Love~: not yet
~Had To Make A Really Hard Decision~: yes
~Failed A Test~: yes
~Failed A Grade~: no
~Had A Broken Bone~: yes
~Played Sick To Get Out Of Something~: yes
~Thought Of How You Will Die~: yes
~Prank Called Someone~: yes
~Been Prank Called~: no
~Been Stood Up For A Date~: no
~Stood Someone Else Up~: no
~Shoplifted~: no
~Been Convicted Of A Felony~: no
~Played A Mean Joke On Someone~: yes...i was dissappointed in myself after...
~Had A Mean Joke Played On You~: yes
~Danced In The Rain~: yes
~Kissed In The Rain~: no
~ In A Guy/Girl~~Hair Color~: don't care, lately it has been dark hair
~Eye Color~: don't care
~Height~: taller than me
~Body Type~: don't care
~Age~: about the same age as me
~One Thing You Wish Guys/Girls Knew~: how to tell if someone likes them...
~Kiss & Tell~~How Far Have You Gone~: nowhere
~How Old Were You Your 1st Time~: -
~How Many People Have You Been With~: -
~Favorite Position~: -
~Naughty or Nice~: -
~Strangest Place You've Done It~: -
~Do You Watch Porn~: -
~Do You Look At Pics or Magazines(Hustler,Playboy,PlayGirl,ect)~: -
~Have You Ever Been Browsing Online & Found Someone You Know~: -
~Do You Have Your Own Pics Online~: -
~Have You Ever Made A Sex Tape~: -
~Like To Be Spanked/Hair Pulled,ect~: -
~Submissive or Dominant~: -
~Do You Like To Be Talked Dirty To~: -
~Have You Ever Sent Someone Dirty Texts ot Ims~: -
~Have You Ever Had A 3Some~: -
~If No Would You Ever Consider It~: -
~Have You Ever Had Phone Sex~: -
~Ever Been to A Sex Shop~: -
~Where Would You Most Like To Do It~: -
~Ever Splet With Someone That You Really Regret~: -
~Ever Called Out Someone Elses Name During Sex~: -
~Future~~What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up~: manager of a band
~What Country Would You Most Like To Visit~: australia
~Do You Want To Get Married~: yes
~Do You Want To Have Kids~: yes
~Do You Want To Go to College~: yes
~How Do You Want to Die~: in my sleep at an old age
~Countdown~~10 People You Love~~10~: mom
~9~: dad
~8~: davana(sis)
~7~: mike(bro)
~6~: joy(sis)
~5~: ben(nephew)
~4~: jesus
~3~: Jason/Dan/Jon/Justin/Jordan/Aaron
~2~: my friends
~1~: Jesus
~9 Things You Love~: -------------------------------------------------
~9~: my family
~8~: my friends
~7~: music
~6~: concerts
~5~: Jesus
~4~: music
~3~: jesus
~2~: fun
~1~: Jesus
~8 Things You Hate~: 00000000000000000000000000000000
~8~: i
~7~: don't
~6~: hate
~5~: anything
~4~: at
~3~: least
~2~: try
~1~: not to
~7 Places You Would Love To Go~~7~: Paris
~6~: London
~5~: Sydney
~4~: LA
~3: NYC
~2~: Franklin
~1~: Nashville
~6 Things You Can't Live Without~~6~: Jesus
~5~: <3
~4~: water
~3~: food
~2~: music
~1~: family and friends
~5 Things You Are Wearing Now~~5~: pink tank
~4~: pink old navy zip up hoodie
~3~: jeans
~2~: socks
~1~: underwear
~4 Of Your Favorite Stores~~4~: walmart
~3~: goodwill
~2~: old navy
~1~: target
~3 Things You Would Take To A Deserted Island~~3~: my bible
~2~: my music
~1~: Hawk Nelson
~2 Things Your Afraid Of~~2~: dying alone
~1~: God leaving me
~1 Goal For This Year~~1~: go to college(finally)
The Ending~~Did You Enjoy This Survey~: not really
~Was It To Long~: yes
~Did You Wish It Were Over 5 Minutes Ago~: yes
~Did You Lie About Anything~: no