it was so amazing. I absolutely love Run Kid Run, Cycledown and Capital Lights. I dont' think I could ever forget it. here are some highlights of the day:
-Eric saying he has a whole half of a brain
-Phil saying he shares a brain with Eric and he has the good half
-Chris yelling at me with his eyes...haha.
-the Cycledown guys thinking my little sis(who isn't even 13 yet) went to a college in Cali.
-Run Kid Run blowing a fuse or something during the Pizza Bash concert
-losing my hearing in my left ear from standing too close to the speaker at the concert during the Pizza Bash.
-seeing Capital Lights for the first time
-meeting and talking to the Capital Lights guys.
-getting the pics with the bands
-Run Kid Run's(both), Capital Lights', Cycledown's, Kutless's, TFK's and Fireflight's shows.
here are some pics from it:
the ah gatorade pic...haha