Monday, October 27, 2008

Power Of One 08

it was so amazing. I absolutely love Run Kid Run, Cycledown and Capital Lights. I dont' think I could ever forget it. here are some highlights of the day:

-Eric saying he has a whole half of a brain
-Phil saying he shares a brain with Eric and he has the good half
-Chris yelling at me with his eyes...haha.
-the Cycledown guys thinking my little sis(who isn't even 13 yet) went to a college in Cali.
-Run Kid Run blowing a fuse or something during the Pizza Bash concert
-losing my hearing in my left ear from standing too close to the speaker at the concert during the Pizza Bash.
-seeing Capital Lights for the first time
-meeting and talking to the Capital Lights guys.
-getting the pics with the bands
-Run Kid Run's(both), Capital Lights', Cycledown's, Kutless's, TFK's and Fireflight's shows.

here are some pics from it:

the ah gatorade pic...hahaNeil is awesomeBryson...he actually has this pic on his myspace.The Capital Lights guys and I...I realized a few days ago it goes from oldest to youngest for the guys...I would actually be between Michael and Jon, instead of Bryson and Michael.Bryson Phillips(lead singer) and I....I was so excited to finally see and meet themBrett Admire(guitarist) and I.Michael Phillips(drummer) and I.Jon Odle(bassist) and IJonny Williams(guitarist) and I.STORY TIME: my 12 year old sister is the one who was taking the pics for me. The guys were trying to get Brett over there...that is why they are all looking in the one way...Brett does their merch. Davana accidently hit the button and I was like "NO WAIT." took it.Neil Endicott of RKR and I.Matt Jackson of RKR and IDavid Josiah Curtis of RKR and I...I was capital lights shirt.

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