Wednesday, March 31, 2010

so like I just really need to say something, this has always bothered me.

When fans of bands bring down other fans. It's not worth it, it hurts you, that person and the band too. I don't care if this will make you not really like me anymore but I'm just sick of the way that fans of bands treat the other fans of that band. Like I have been to enough concerts to know the difference between a fan that loves the band(and therefore wouldn't tear down fellow fans) or one that is just there for it being a concert. I am preaching to myself(excuse that phrase) when I say this, stop being so rude to each other, grow up and get along. You love that band, you're at their concert, there you already have 2 things in common...go off of that. I am sick of fans being told they aren't true fans cause of the time that they started listening to the band. Or just them doing the stupid stuff that they do sometimes...well besides the ones that are very overzealous...they can be annoying, I can pick most of those out too...haha.

the link is to a post that I did about a year ago when a "friend" called me out because I had Decode lyrics as my facebook hurt a lot because I actually did count her as a good friend...

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